Have you ever imagined becoming hero, chaimpion of law or to become dark one, evil creature wanting just gold and nothing else. What would it be like being famous for slaining dragon and saving kingdoms, or on the other hand being feared because of rumours about dosesns innocet klilled by the way. Would you like wisiting busy towns and cities, ancient shrines of long forgotten gods, deep dungeons full of creatures so terrible and unimaginable that you have to experience it yourself. Is your dream to become someone in fantasy world, where magic is real and gods are known to be overseeing you?
Because it is certainly impossible in real life, was created way to enable you to experince this. A RPGs, Role Playing Games, can give you this. You just have to have imagination and will to try.
Here you are, you have just made first step.
In ancient times, Fate created heroes, their Fate was to fight, become powerfull, or to die. It is you Fate.
Fate of The Heroes
. , .
(ASCII Art - 'Diamond Crown')
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This is my attempt to create a RPG rules which could be used for both pen-and-paper game (so they should be easy enough to remember and fun to play) and for possible computer games (so they are rich and detailed)
Indeed not much will be original, becaose I played lot's of games with very different rulesets, and each gave it's piece to theese rules, I tried combine combinable and left out proprietary nonsense.
Here is listing of games which I played, enojoyed and decided to use.
Each player has his "PC" (A player character), His virtual personality in the Games world. This persnolality is finctional, desinged by player which chooses Gender, Race, Class, etc... for PC, he guides PC in this world and decides for him (or her).
In order to be able to own PC, you have to know how is it described. We use "Scores" - a numerical values which estimate PC's ablilities.
Stats are basic characterisation of PC. They determine raw physical and psychical abilites. They are:
Table 1. - Stat groups | |||
![]() |
Physical | Psychical | Joined |
Power | Strength | Wisdom | Charisma |
Skill | Agility | Inteligence | Preception |
Endurance | Constitution | Magic | Luck |
Now lets look what each of these Stats determines: Str, Agi, Con, Wis, Int, Mag, Cha, Pre, Luc
Table 2. - Stats2 | |||
Stat and abr. | Descprition | Game efects | Important for ... |
Strength (Str) | Is raw physical strength, ability to move heavy objects and desctruct by froce |
Brute force fighters |
Agility (Agi) | Speed and coordination. Agility means how precise you can be with your hands. |
Thieves and technicaly oriented fighters | |
Constitution (Con) | Health and vitality. Also resistance against illnesses and poisons. This says how "tough" are you |
Everyone who plans to get hurt a lot |
Wisdom (Wis) | Strength of mind. This describes how wise you are. Wiscom cosists of common knowledge and willpower and learned facts. |
Magick practicioners will benefit most of Wis |
Inteligence (Int) | Agility and speed of thoughts. Ability to find out new things and to think in new ways. |
Magick practicioners and Thieves need Int! |
Magic (Mag) | Means how close are you to flow of magic in the world. Also this is your spiritual esence, describing how long can you withstand overnatural attacks. |
Just mages really need this. | Charisma (Cha) | Beauty of both body and personality. Atractive and very kind people are sure charismatic. But the spell of personality is also cast by not-as-pretty or cold-as-dog people, it depends. |
Paladins and leaders need Cha, no-one else. | Preception (Pre) | Quality of eyesight and listeing ability. |
Handy for Thieves | Luck (Luc) | Karma and standing to gods, luck can influence many things. |
Luck is really good for everyone. |
Stats have varying values. They range from 5 to 25, and there are three factors which determine minimum and maximum value of each stat, they are:
Typical and important stats raise maximum by 2 and minimum by 3, atypical and unimportant are doind it vice versa.
Minimum can't be below 1, so zero and negative values are substacted from maximum to create minimum of 1. Maximum should never happen to be lower than minimum, but if it is then it is raised to min+1. Also important or typical stats have bonus +1 after stat roll (and -1 to unimportant or atypical ...).
Remember: If you roll higer value than max or lower than min, you have to reroll value. This occurs just during character generation.
Stats/Sex relationsTable 4. - Race/Stats relations | ||
Race | Typical stats | Atypical stats |
Human | Luc, Cha | Wis, Pre |
Elf | Cha, Mag | Str, Con |
Dwarf | Str, Con | Agi, Mag |
Halfling | Agi, Luc | Str, Wis |
Troll | Str, Con | Cha, Int |
Orc | Agi, Int | Cha, Luc |
Drakeling | Int, Mag | Cha, Agi |
Table 5. - Class/Stats relations | ||
Class | Important stats | Unimportant stats |
Warrior | Str, Agi, Con | Wis, Int, Mag |
Ranger | Per, Str, Con | luc, Int, Mag |
Paladin | Str, cha, Con | Per, Int, Mag |
Thief | Int, Agi, Pre | Str, Con, Mag |
Bard | Wis, Cha, Dex | Str, Con, Pre |
Assassin | dex, Luc, Pre | Wis, Cha, Mag |
Mage | Wis, Int, Mag | Str, Agi, Con |
Priest | Wis, Cha, Mag | Int, Agi, Str |
Alchemist | Con, Int, Mag | Str, Cha, Pre |
Mentant | Pre, Int, Mag | Str, Con, Dex |
Values used in theese rules are highly abstract, unimanigable. So there are descriptions which will help you to undesrtand then more easily.
Table 6. - Values of stats | |
Value range | Description |
0 | None :) |
1 - 3 | Extremely poor |
4 - 6 | Poor |
7 - 8 | Below average |
9 - 11 | Average |
12 - 15 | Good |
16 - 18 | Superb |
19 - 21 | Heroic |
21 - ? | Demigod |
If you are still confused, lets look at this example
I decided to create PC who is Female Orcish Priest (LOL!).
Because I'm too lazy, I used my "FOH Stat Generator" program to count result. Look here:
Female Orc Priest | |||
Stats | Min | Max | Bon |
Strength | 2 | 23 | -1 |
Agility | 2 | 23 | -1 |
Constitution | 5 | 25 | |
Wisdom | 11 | 29 | +2 |
Inteligence | 5 | 25 | |
Magic | 5 | 25 | |
Charisma | 8 | 27 | +1 |
Perception | 5 | 25 | |
Luck | 2 | 23 | -1 |
Nice priest :) |
Because basic stats describe well PCs average status, there is lack of "momentary" stats describing for example health or resitancies. We call them derived because they depend on stats. You can - for exaplme - be only as healtly as your contitution allows and so on.
First, there are two basic status stats: Hit Points (shortened as HP) and Mana.
Table 7. - HP and MANA | ||
Derived stat | About | Formula |
HP | Hit points represent PCs combat status, they sumarize his wounds and staying power. Simply if HP is on maximum, PC is unwounded, in top condition; but if HP reaches zero, PC drops dead. You can loose HPs becaouse of geting wound in combat, bacause of poison or bacuse harmfull spell was cast as you. On the other hand, you can regain HPs by resting (Each time you rest you regain Con/4+1 HPs), healing yourself or using magical restorers of life (like healing potions or spells). Curent level of hitpoints cant exced its maximu value |
MANA | MANA is force which penetrates everything in the world. It is also power used to alter reality - to create magic, power used to cast spells. Each time something magical is made some MANA is released to power effect which spellcaster wants. Sometimes spell fails and MANA is released in its wild form into the world, then it creates dangerous magical radiation. PC has limited amount of MANA aviable, it depends on his concentration and on his natural closeness to flow of magic in the world. When you sleep you regain looosed MANA, your brain is open to flows of energy and will recharge its MANA. |
STAMINA | STAMINA is fatigue and standng power. When it reaches zero, you fall down uncoscious. STAMINA is lowered by being hit by blunt weapons of by doing hard work (certain skills, running, etc. eat stamina). Stamina is regained by just resting. Each turn you regain 1 point of stamina, when you rest you gain all the stamina. |
Here follows tables with bonuses for HP and MANA:
Table 8. - Sex/HP, MANA | ||
Sex | HP bonus | MANA bonus |
Male | +1 | - |
Female | - | +1 |
Table 9. - Race/HP, MANA | ||||
Race | HP bonus | MANA bonus | ||
Human | +1 | +1 | ||
Elf | -1 | +3 | ||
Dwarf | +2 | - | ||
Halfling | +1 | +1 | ||
Troll | +3 | -1 | ||
Orc | +1 | +1 | ||
Drakeling | - | +2 |
Table 10. - Class/HP, MANA | ||
Class | HP LevelUp dice | MANA LevelUp dice |
Warrior | 1D8 +1 | 1D1 |
Ranger | 1D6+1 | 1D3 |
Paladin | 2D4 | 1D2 |
Thief | 1D4 +1 | 1D5 |
Bard | 1D5 | 1D4 +1 |
Assassin | 1D4 +1 | 1D5 |
Mage | 1D1 | 1D8+1 |
Priest | 1D3 | 1D6+1 |
Alchemist | 1D2 | 2D4 |
Mentant | 1D4 | 2D3 |
Here is example, I chose Male Dwarf Mage :
- | Male | Dwarf | Mage | Gained |
HP | +1 | +2 | +1D1 | 4 |
MANA | - | - | +1D8+1 | +1D8+1 (5,5 average) |
Also, you must gain at least 1 point in HP each level and you can never loose mana (you must gain at least 0 Mana).
Besides HP and MANA are here many more derived stats, they are:
Table 11. - More derived stats | ||
Derived stat | About | Formula |
AC | AC means armour class. It says how good is your protection. Means % Bonus to hit evasion (Your enemies to-hit is lowered by AC). AC cosists mainly armour you are wearing, your reflexes and bit of skill. |
To-Hit | To-Hit is your ability to succesfully hit oponent with your weapon. It is based on your skill with weapon, weapon itself and agility. To-Hit is percent chance of hiting oponent, it is lowered by oponents AC. |
Damage | Damage that you do to your oponents, this is how much HP will they loose if you hit then. |
AP | Action points are amount of actions you can do in one turn, it is your speed. |
Resistancies are abilities to resist ( :-) ) certain attacks or things. They are percentages from 0% to 100%, 0% means no resitance, 100% is imunity
Table 12. - Resistancies | |||
Resitance | Description | How it helps | Stat bonus |
Fire | Fire resitance aplies to all fire damage, even to dragons fire breath. Fire Element resistance. |
![]() |
Cold | Cold resitance lowers damage done by ice attacks. Water Element resistance. |
![]() |
Acid | Resists acids and all chemicals which are trying to destroy body. Earth Element resistance. |
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Electrical | Resits electricity of all kinds. Air Element resistance. |
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Poison | Poisons will be less deadly and will go away faster. This resitance aplies to both normal and magical poisons. |
+Con% |
Disease | Diseases are all illnesses. |
+Con% | |
Mind | Ability to block mental attacks, attempts to hypnotize or controll you by magical or mentant powers. |
+Wis% + (10-(Skill or Spell level))/2% skill/spell level is one of attacker has |
Magic | Natural resitance to magical attacks and spells of all kinds. Also resitance to magical radiation. |
+Mag% |
Damage | Resitance to physical attacks. The only resistance which is not is percents, but is in HPs which are substracted from damage (note - you cannot end with negative damage! T must be at least 0. |
-(Con-10)/5% |
Poison/Disease resistancies gained by being affected | |
% Gained | Damage taken |
1 | 10 |
2 | 11 |
3 | 12 |
4 | 13 |
5 | 14 |
6 | 15 |
7 | 16 |
8 | 17 |
9 | 18 |
10 | 19 |
11 | 21 |
12 | 23 |
13 | 25 |
14 | 27 |
15 | 29 |
16 | 32 |
17 | 35 |
18 | 38 |
19 | 42 |
20 | 46 |
21 | 51 |
22 | 56 |
23 | 62 |
24 | 68 |
25 | 75 |
26 | 83 |
27 | 92 |
28 | 102 |
29 | 113 |
30 | 125 |
31 | 138 |
32 | 153 |
33 | 169 |
34 | 187 |
35 | 207 |
36 | 229 |
37 | 254 |
38 | 282 |
39 | 313 |
40 | 347 |
41 | 385 |
42 | 427 |
43 | 474 |
44 | 526 |
45 | 584 |
46 | 648 |
47 | 719 |
48 | 798 |
49 | 886 |
50 | 984 |
Skills of character describe what he can do, and how good he is in that
You gain your skills in many ways, some are practitioned by all characters, some depend on his class, gender and race, some can be selected.
But even if you don't know the skill, you can try to practise it on skill level 0, but you can't train in it.
Skill value ranges from 1 to 10, every time you level up you can assign some points to skill, but no more than 2 points per level.
When starting, you start with 1 point in all skills, but if your skills come from several sources, you get bonnus for every source (for example: hobbit thief will start with 2 points in stealth, because he is both trained in it as thies and has natural talent for it as hobbit)
Weapon skills enagle your character to use various weapons. Each point in weapon skills gives +10% TO-HIT. Skills 5, 5, 7 points gives aditional +1 Damage, 8 and 9 gives +2 damage and 10 gives +3 damage. Each point gives +1% chance of critical hit.
Gender is your basic choice, in wold of FOH are males and females equal. Woman can become mighty fighter, but there are still prejusctices and female mage is being often considered like something odd and dangerous.
Choose as you want, you don't have to be the same as in real life :)
Here are folowing tables for stats and secondary stats:
Sex/Stats relations | ||
Sex | Typical stats | Atypical stats |
Male | Str, Con | Agi, Pre |
Female | Cha, Wis | Str, Con |
(ASCII Art - 'Timeout')
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Dices | |||
Image | Value | Geometry | Note |
![]() |
1D4 | Tetrahedron Triangle faces |
Also used as 1D3 or 1D2. |
![]() |
1D6 | Cube Square faces |
Most common dice on the world |
![]() |
1D8 | Octahedron Triangle faces |
![]() |
1D10 | Dekahedron Iregular faces |
0 is taken as 10. Ten sided dice is impossible to shape from regular geometric shapes, so faces don't fit well, but dice is as balacned as any other. |
![]() |
1D12 | Dodekahedron Pentagon faces |
![]() |
1D20 | 20 triangle faces | |
![]() |
1D100 | just like 1D10 | To get precise number roll 1D100 and 1D10 and add result (1d100 gives 20, 1d10 says 8, result is 28 ...) |
Notation of how dices as written can be very confusing when you are new to RPGs. And since dices are used to describe most of damage and other formulas it is esential to know how to read then.
While random generators in computers can generate numbers from any range, in real world you can never have dice with 7 or 5 sides. To get these you have to combine dices and use bonus.
Reading dice: dice notation is in folowing format: {a}D{b}+{c}. Where a means how many dices you roll, b gives number of sides and c is bonus which is added or substracted from roll. So:.
1D2 and 1D3 are also used. 1D2 is coin (head is 1, backside is 2). 1D3 is 1D4 where when you get 4 you roll again to get 1 to 3 number. Other types of dices can be simulated by similar method:1D11 is 1D12 where 12 is ignored, 1D18 is 1D20 where 19 and 20 are ignored ...
When you get complicated dice you may want to know what is range of values it generates. it is simple: formula is this: aDb+c has minimum a+c and maximum (a*b)+c. Example:
To reverse this action (to get dice from range of values) is rather complicated algoritm. I'll try to explain it:
Created by Petr "Zweistein" Prokop in 2002. My website is here: http://sweb.cz/grima.worm. Early versions of Foh were created from 1998 and there were five of then, all left in early state of work. They are still aviable on demand. There was even attempt to write CRPG game based upon one set of rules, I'm quite proud of that (nice 2D gfx, even animation, and best of all - working teleports and pickable items ;) )
Why I created such thing? Well, I like playing RPGs and every set of rules has something I like and something I hate. So I decided to create my own rules which will be designed from scratch. I didn't just modify existing rules, because
Help? Help is sure apreciated! If you have and idea, If you found something that you consider bug or typo or bad english, If you feel like telling me "Good job!", drop me a mail. (And if you hate this, forget it ever existed and do not send me flames, nor tell everyone how stupid this is; I like constructive criticism.)
Btw: I also created HTML and CSS used in this document, so design and formating bugs can be directed to me too.
Missing Fonts: I'm using nice font here in this document, it is called monotype corsiva, if it is missing on your system, download it as install it, you won't regret it ...